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Write like an expert on any topic

Write an article on any topic with in-depth research in a matter of minutes. Try it for free.

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How does it work?


Research Anything

Gather information from the web and generates in-depth research reports. Each source includes a content summary.


Verified Sources

We link to all of the sources used in our research reports. Know exactly where the information is coming from.


Generate Articles

Generate long-form articles of up to 2,000 words. Specify keywords, reading level, and writing style.

Why Lede?

"Lede increased my open rate by 20%."

"The quality of the research is amazing."

"Hours saved on research and writing."

"Uncontested in quality and information-density."

Built for writing in-depth content

Lede is built to write content like humans do. Unlike most content generators, Lede performs real-time research to gather information. Then, we distill the content down into its most important elements. Only after that do we write your article.

This approach allows you to write confidently on any topic, even if it's outside your area of expertise. Furthermore, we link out to all the source data used to conduct research.

Focused on SEO and AIO

Lede is focused on producing content that is optimized for search, whether from a search engine or AI (AI Optimization). To do this, we focus on structuring your content in a way that is easy to consume for humans and machines.

In addition, we let you target keywords to include in your article, define the reading level and adjust the writing style. This allows you to get very specific with the content you generate.

Lede product screenshot



Experiment with Lede and see if it's right for you.


5 Research Reports

2 Articles


Explore any topic with our in-depth research reports.


per month

50 Research Reports

2 Articles


Generate long-form content for your blog or newsletter.


per month

50 Research Reports

25 Articles


Ideal for freelance writers and content marketers.


per month

250 Research Reports

125 Articles

Start Generating

No credit card required